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"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20). Welcome to Christianity. It's not about a church building or "doing the right thing." It's about Jesus Christ, who, while we were still sinners, died for us. It's this elemental truth that grounds our church. God is offering you to join the Great Adventure. 


As a congregation, we offer visitors and members alike a chance to be nourished by the Word of God and to worship Him collectively. As a community, we offer visitors and members a place to plant their feet and grow through the peaks and valleys.

No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you at our church. Get in touch today or come and
visit us in person.

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We are a Christian congregation. We believe in the truths of the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds. We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the full deity and humanity of God the Son, Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose again. We partake of the Lord’s Supper and perform Baptism, as Christ commanded us to do.​


We are also a part of the “Reformed” tradition, which emphasizes God’s sovereignty, the centrality of Jesus Christ, the inspiration, sufficiency, and reliability of God’s Word, and our covenant relationship with God. This faith traces its roots back to the reformer, John Calvin. ​


Jesus Christ rescues us from sin and reconciles us with God. God accepts us as we are if we welcome Him as Savior and submit to Him as Lord. But He does not leave us as we are found! He takes us on a journey of transformation, and we become witnesses to His love and grace,
trusting in the Savior for our past, present, future, and eternity.


Won't you join us to see who this Jesus is?​​

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We are a congregation of the PC (USA), the Presbytery of Lake Huron, and the Synod of the Covenant. "Presbyterian" comes from the Greek word for "Elder," and our church is governed by Elders. Teaching Elders are pastors called to the ministry, and Ruling Elders are elected by the congregation. Together, they make the Session, which is responsible for all ministries and functions of the church. Seeking to glorify, serve, and obey God, Elders seek God's Will for decision-making and work in tandem to build His Church. As do our deacons. In Greek, the word means "servant." As servant leaders, they are the hands and feet of our congregation.   


In a broader context, to spread the gospel, meet the needs of many, and work toward justice, we recently partnered with the First United Methodist Church just down the hill. Our new ministry together means we retain our separate identities but share a pastor and events, growing the body of Christ better than we could have alone. We're excited for where God is leading us.



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A Little About Reverend Dennis Irish

Born and raised in Clio, Michigan where I attended the West Vienna UMC. Accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at Simpson Park Camp in Romeo, Michigan. It was at Simpson Park where I met my wife Sherri Cain Irish, we were married in August of 1981. Sherri has her Phd. in Educational Leadership and currently teaches math at Port Huron High School. We have four children Nathan with wife Beth, Ruth with husband Elijah, Sara, and Samuel, and three grandchildren Lily Noelle VanderSande-4, Finn VanderSande-1.5, and Rowan Irish-2.

I graduated from Clio High School class of 1978, Hesston College, Hesston, Kansas 1980 AA Business Administration. After a long break I returned to College and received a BA in Music and also a BA in Bible/Religion graduating in 1995 from Goshen College. I served as the worship leader for the contemporary service at Port Huron First UMC in 2001. I began in ministry in 2002 as a DSA with a ½ time appointment at Trinity UMC in Algonac, Michigan. While serving in Algonac I received my license to preach and served as a local pastor for several years. I commuted to Methodist Theological School in Ohio, located in Delaware, OH where I received an MDiv in 2008. That spring I was commissioned and in 2011 became an elder in the DAC of the UMC. I have served Trinity UMC, Algonac, Marine City UMC, New Hope UMC, Shelby Twp., Brown City UMC, Yale, Cole and Melvin UMC as a three point charge, Christ Church Fraser, and Reese UMC.

My daughter Ruth VanderSande is the pastor at Flushing UMC, Flushing Michigan.

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